Chandresh Shah

Sales by Listening

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Marketing is about Trust. Never forget that. It starts with a primary seed of credibility. When prospects like what they see, next instinct is to want to be assured. It either gets destroyed or built upon by what they see on the website.
As we start generating leads, we think we have the right to earn their business.

We fail to focus on the long-term trust building exercise of listening to our customers. We fail to focus on our goal of building confidence, earning trust, permission and familiarity that can lead them one step closer to sales.

But along the way, we get self-obsessed with our products in the belief that because we are spending money on marketing and generating leads, we have the right to demand their attention. We ‘bought’ the lead, therefore he/she must listen to me.


We falsely believe marketing is about us, not them. We don’t listen – why did they raise their hand to seek information from us? Did we listen to them to earn their trust?

Listening worth its weight in gold, and must be cherished.