Chandresh Shah

Procrastination – Just One thing to do

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I have suffered from Procrastination all my life. I guess who hasn’t – to some extent, some more than others. 

I am 55 now and I don’t say I have fully overcome it, I don’t think I ever will, but I have to a large extent controlled it.

I recognized this is a huge issue when things started suffering. Work got delayed both at home and office. I kept pushing things off to the point of no return. I then started reading about it, seeking self-help books and articles. When I read them, I resolved to get better, and I procrastinated on those resolutions. 

There was a lot of theory. Here is what one article said:

Follow these steps to deal with and control procrastination:

Step 1: Recognize That You’re Procrastinating. If you’re honest with yourself, you probably know when you’re procrastinating. …

Step 2: Work Out WHY You’re Procrastinating. This can depend on both you and the task. …

Step 3: Adopt Anti-Procrastination Strategies.

Here’s another article: If you’re looking for effective ways to beat procrastination and finish your tasks timely, these 8 tips are for you.

  1. Eliminate distractions.
  2. Use your strongest sensation to memorise things.
  3. Set yourself deadlines. …
  4. Work when you feel most alert and efficient.
  5. Don’t stress too much.
  6. Eat healthy & exercise.

…and on and on…

My wife is the exact opposite. She is always on top and never procrastinates, and that’s not an exaggeration. I observed her. I noticed and started implementing just one simple thing.

Just Do It!

When something comes to top of mind that needs/should be done, just do it right now. I initially felt – I’ll do it as soon as… or ‘I’ll do it later’. We know what happens. Then, I realized if I stop what I am doing, and just get that thing done, it is not going to disrupt anything at all, because most of the time, what I am in the middle of, is never that urgent.

That’s all – no long theories, no steps, Just Do It.