Chandresh Shah


This is my Bio.

Using Marketing Automation to increase Conversion Rates – part 2

A very important element of moving sales qualified leads down the funnel is ‘engagement’. Marketing must design, create and build professional landing pages, sophisticated email marketing campaigns. This becomes a challenge with limited marketing budgets. The goal is to easily identify sales ready leads, sales qualified leads and track conversion rates to initial landing page …

Using Marketing Automation to increase Conversion Rates – part 2 Read More »

Using Marketing Automation to Increase Conversion Rates

Before we talk about conversion rates, it is important to understand the definition of a Lead. When Marketing and Sales work together to create a tightly integrated process, two kinds of lead emerge – Marketing Qualified Leads and Sales Accepted Leads. With shrinking marketing budgets you need processes to create more qualified opportunities without creating …

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EMR and EHR Companies – Dime a Dozen – How to Compete?

I don’t need to tell you how fierce EMR/EHR competition is. You’ve all felt the pressure. Most vendors I speak with have come to the conclusion that it is becoming a ‘Commodity’ Commodity spells disaster, price wars, compromises in quality of product, services and support. Most vendors now ‘offshore’ one of the most critical elements …

EMR and EHR Companies – Dime a Dozen – How to Compete? Read More »

Are Physicians ‘Cheap’?

This goes back to the days in 70’s up to early 90’s. Doctors could make good money without having to bother about things that you and I do. They did not have to delve into book keeping and financial aspects of Balancing Books.  Finances were always in the Positive. There was no need to balance. …

Are Physicians ‘Cheap’? Read More »

What’s (Facebook) App Disaster

We have all read by now about the impending WhatsApp acquisition for $16 or $19 Billion, whatever the final number. We clearly know what Facebook wants – those millions of WhatsApp users that are absolutely glued to their smartphones messaging with their friends and family. So, what is it about WhatsApp that made it so …

What’s (Facebook) App Disaster Read More »