Chandresh Shah


AdvancedMD to be acquired by Marlin Equity Partners (from ADP)

What does EHR merger and acquisition activity mean for providers?

The latest in a series of M&A activity related to EHR companies is AdvancedMD, which is being acquired by Marlin Equity Partners. In other words, ADP is dumping AdvancedMD.

I was surprised when ADP acquired an EHR company and I wrote about it. Before it became AdvancedMD, it was called PracticeOne. What will it be called now?

Lopsided Content Marketing Expectations – Myths and Misconceptions

I was privy to an interesting conversation between heads of Sales and Marketing at a Health IT company. Both had several years of experience and were good at what they did. They could not agree on the definition of LEAD. The main reason for the debate was that Sales and Marketing expectations were completely misaligned. …

Lopsided Content Marketing Expectations – Myths and Misconceptions Read More »

Branding, Awareness, Traffic and Lead Generation – which comes first?

We’ve been told Branding and Awareness creation is expensive. Advertising is expensive. Digital Marketing (email, SEO etc.) is not. We look for quick fixes, and the internet is crawling with so called experts touting advice and quick lists – 5 things to do, 7 things to avoid. They will be quick to tell you things …

Branding, Awareness, Traffic and Lead Generation – which comes first? Read More »