Chandresh Shah


People are NOT Rational

Love this post from Seth Godin. Your first mistake might be assuming that people are rational Your second mistake could be assuming that people are eager for change. And the marketer’s third mistake is assuming that once someone knows things the way you know them, they will choose what you chose.

Customer Loyalty – A review

There’s a new book by Author Jackie Huba – Monster Loyalty: How Lady Gaga Turns Followers into Fanatics. There’s lot to learn about EMR Marketing from Lady Gaga. Loyalty! You can only create Fanatic Loyalty when you – Extremely focused in creating highly engaged superfans. You can’t create Fans out of all your clients. So, …

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Retention versus Loyalty

I have frequently talked about differentiators in the cluttered EMR / EHR Space. I have advocated that your unique differentiators are right under your nose, but you can’t see them. You want to be like someone else, in the process ignore what makes you really unique. A simple strategy I advocate is to ask your …

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