Chandresh Shah


Meaningful Use Stage 2 Delayed

HHS announced recently that Stage 2 of Meaningful Use has been postponed effectively, to 2014.  HHS encourages providers who have been waiting until 2012 to attest to Stage 1 meaningful use now. Those providers who first attest in 2011 can get three payment years for meeting Stage 1 requirements, while those first attesting in 2012 …

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EMR Demand not exciting

HHS announced an easing of the timeline for hospitals and eligible providers to meet Stage II of the government EHR incentive program. This makes State II compliance easier for those providers that qualify for State I in 2011. However, it is too late now to buy EMR software, use it for 90 days and qualify for 2011 …

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Free EMR Software

I have been trying for a long time to really understand the dynamics of a free EMR, both from a business perspective as well as provider point of view. I understand that almost all companies offering free EMR are web-based EMR software. Therefore the assumption is that they are in a much better position to …

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EMR Marketing and Sales

I was just speaking to a colleague in the EMR / EHR industry about EMR sales. Are doctors buying EMR in the small ambulatory practice market? This is a small company just starting to get into the market. He said sales are ‘not bad’. He claims a ‘few’ sales a month. In reality, this company …

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Steve Jobs, Apple, Leadership, Marketing and everything else…

Since Steve Jobs’ departure as CEO of Apple, the news (internet, print media and TV) is abuzz with views and opinions. The one article that got me thinking was from New York times by Joe Nocera ( It got me thinking about success of Leaders, success of Great companies. Great business leaders have been more …

Steve Jobs, Apple, Leadership, Marketing and everything else… Read More »


My name is Chandresh J. Shah. I help Small Businesses eliminate prospecting and Ad waste with Publicity and Guerilla Marketing. Increasing sales today requires different marketing (better marketing!) than it did 18 months ago.  Marketing for me is good medicine, during good and bad times, because I get to try the medicine on myself to …

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